Hurling is the national sport of Ireland, and by some estimates it is over 3,000 years old. It is considered the fastest and most skillful field game in the world. It incorporate elements of lacrosse, baseball, ice hockey, field hockey, soccer, rugby, football, and many other sports, although it predates them all. The action is fast and aggressive, with players using their hurls (sticks) to knock the sliotar (ball) into the goal for 3 points or through a pair of uprights for 1 point. Teams consists of 15 players (one goalkeeper, six defenders, two midfielders, six forwards) in attempt to outscore each other by means of a set of H shaped goalposts. In the US, teams consist of 13 players with one less defender and attacker.
Players are allowed to strike the ball in the air and on the ground. When the ball is on the ground it cannot be handled but it can be lifted from the ground using the hurley, to be either caught in the hand or struck. Once caught in the hand a player can carry the ball for no more than four paces, but is allowed to balance it on the hurley while running. As well as striking the ball with the hurley, players can kick the ball or strike it with their hand which is called a hand pass.
It’s physicality, skill (great dexterity and hand-eye coordination needed) and fast-paced intensity make it one of the most spectacular sports and is a must to experience it for yourself. The hurley is also one of Ireland’s most distinctive national emblems and in recent visits President Obama received a hurley.
Hurling in America continues to grow in popularity with many clubs throughout the US. Check out some videos below for more information about hurling.